Pupil Premium 2024-27
The pupil premium is an allocation of funding, in addition to main school funding, which schools receive according to the number of children in specific groups.
The Government identifies Pupil Premium pupils in the following ways:
- All children who are eligible for Free School Meals (FSM)
- Those children who have received Free School Meals any time in the last 6 years
- Looked After Children, adopted or fostered children
- Service Children
The intention is to:
- Continue to raise the attainment and progress of pupils eligible for pupil premium funding.
- Enable more PP pupils to enter further education
- Inspire to all pupils to achieve
We believe that in order to improve pupil’s learning and aspirations, spending needs to be well thought out. By following some guiding principles, stakeholder involvement and robust monitoring and evaluation, we can and do make a difference.
MJS Guiding Principles
Pupil Premium;
- Funding will be ring-fenced and the school will be held accountable for its use.
- Pupils must receive support that will either raise attainment (in the first instance) or address other factors which could lay the foundation for future learning.
- Pupils will be known to staff who are also aware of how the money is spent.
- Pupils will receive consistent high quality teaching and support that is monitored by the school, avoiding wastage of precious financial resources.
- Pupils take part in activities that are evaluated for impact.
- Funding is monitored by the Governing Body who have a clear overview of how funding is being allocated and the difference it is making to the outcomes of pupils.
- Policy is available in school and on the school website.
Decision Making
The governors delegate decision making to the Senior Leadership Team. A named governor will take part in an overview exercise and report back to the Full Governor Body annually.
What research tells us:
Research from the Endowment Education Foundation; www.educationendowmentfoundation.org.uk/teaching-learning-toolkit states that the highest impact for Pupil Premium children occurs in the following four areas;
- Effective feedback (written and verbal)
- Use of Learning Objectives to specifically identify the learning that is being developed
- Peer-to-peer collaborative sharing of ideas and group work
- Planned interventions
Research evidence from The Sutton Trust also shows that the quality of teaching & learning is the most important factor in the achievement of all pupils. Our drive for Continuous Professional Development (CPD) ensures, not only quality first teaching and learning but that motivation is high and staff development and retention is very good.
As a school, we consistently strive for improvements and plan effective resources for the development of the above areas. Alongside this we aim to provide additional activities as follows;
- Small tuition groups for reading, writing, mathematics with teachers or teaching assistants.
- Provision for Pupil Premium pupils with complex, social, emotional and physical needs
- Provision for pastoral support
- Raising the profile of attendance across the school and with parents
- Working with families/workshops.
- Training for specific areas with teachers/teaching assistants.
- Setting up after-school activities for targeted pupils.
- Participation in courses/events for pupils.
- Participation in day trips and residentials
Please note that we plan to meet the needs of the individual and therefore would decide which of the above would be most suited and to which child.
Monitoring, Evaluation and Review
The SLT will carry out the following duties:
- Complete a Pupil Premium strategy plan
- Monitor the impact on PP pupils (in terms of wellbeing/academic progress and attendance).
- Undertake an annual Pupil Premium review to analyse impact.
Stakeholder Involvements
Governor: The named governor will report to the Full Governing Body and be involved in the overview.
Pupils: Will receive feedback about their learning on a weekly basis
Parents: Parents will be informed of progress via Consultation Evenings, annual reports and other informal meetings.
Staff: Class teachers will be accountable for the progress of Pupil Premium children. Pupil Premium pupils will be discussed with SLT at termly Progress Meetings.